- Academic publications
BRIDGES Andrew, Online Platforms 2017 : Hot Topics in Liability & Social Responsibility [online], 2017, https://www.pli.edu/Content/CourseHandbook/Online_Platforms_2017_Hot_Topics_in_Liability/_/N-4mZ1z10l0l?No=75&Ns=sort_title%7C0&t=MVN8_8AEM3&ID=300873 (last consulted on January 7, 2018).
KELLER Daphne, Law, Borders, and Speech : Proceedings and Materials [online], Stanford, 2017, p.59, https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1176&context=rscholars (last consulted on December 13, 2018).
LUTZI Tobias, Internet cases in EU private international law – developing a coherent approach [online], 2017, p.705, https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-and-comparative-law-quarterly/article/internet-cases-in-eu-private-international-lawdeveloping-a-coherent-approach/D0A2620AFC178147DCBFB7CCA394FC2D (last consulted on October 24, 2017).
SOLMONE Sara, Establishing Jurisdiction Online: the Problem of the Access-based Jurisdictional Principle [online], 2017, https://labs.ripe.net/Members/sara_solmone/establishing-jurisdiction-online#discussion (last consulted on October 24, 2017).
- Press articles
UEBERSCHLAG Leila, Litiges sur internet : les tribunaux privés pourraient être une solution, AGEFI, October 13, 2017, p.9.
- Conferences
Presentation by Ms. Sara Solmone (University of East London) at RIPE 75, Dubaï, on October 22, 2017, 11:30 minutes : https://ripe75.ripe.net/archives/video/102/.